All My Love
(chords - G,C,D)

All my love I give to you completely

Till the stars above all burn away

It's plain to see I'm loving you so sweetly

But I can't wait another day

To have you back here in my arms again

And tell you one more time I'll love you till the end

Your pretty eyes of blue the little things you do

You can take me anywhere

Just the thought of you can make my dreams come true

Knowing that you really care

To have you back here in my arms again

And tell you one more time I'll love you till the end

A sweeter sound I have never heard

Until you said you loved me too

And now I know it had to be this way

For loving you is what I do

To have you back here in my arms again

And tell you one more time I'll love you

Love you love you till the end

I'll love you till the end

song cover image

(written by Marvin Hamilton 2018)

My songs are written from my heart.

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